This week is Trustees Week, where we celebrate the work trustees do in keeping charities running! We can’t think of a better time to introduce you to our trustees – so here’s our third blog, Sarah Major.

Why did you become a Confident Conversations trustee?
A couple that I am good friends with have been through the experience of having a child in hopsital for over a year. I admired their courage and resilience as they navigated their way through the stressful and confusing world of the hospital. The idea to start a resource to support others going through a similar experience was something that I really wanted to support. I was touched to be asked to become treasurer so that I could put my professional skills to work to help bring the vision to life.
What have you done in your personal or work life that has helped you as a Confident Conversations trustee?
I am a qualified accountant, working with charities for the last 15 years. This means I bring a bit of financial knowledge to the charity – its not glamorous but it is important!
What’s the most interesting thing about being a trustee?
It great to be involved in something that can directly support people going through a stressful and confusing time, and hopefully make their lives just a little bit easier
What would you say to anyone considering becoming a trustee?
I’d say go for it. There are loads of charities that can only function because of people giving up their time and expertise to support not for profit organisations. Even if you don’t think you have a specific skill to bring, everyone has something they can contribute, and diverse and wide ranging opinions bring strength and creativity to charity trustees boards.
What’s the one thing you want people to know about Confident Conversations?
That it exists! Its a resource for people to use, which only works if they know its there… So please spread the word.