This week is Trustees Week, where we celebrate the work trustees do in keeping charities running! We can’t think of a better time to introduce you to our trustees – so here’s our second blog, Alice Riley.

Why did you become a Confident Conversations trustee?
As a parent of a child who’s had leukaemia and benefitted from the support of some amazing medical professionals during my son’s treatment, I wanted to help other families access the support I’d been signposted to, particularly in the early days when you’re surviving minute by minute and your world feels like it’s upside down and back to front.
What have you done in your personal or work life that has helped you as a Confident Conversations trustee?
I’m an Executive Assistant when I’m not being “mum” so those organisational skills definitely helped when I had to make sure we got to all my son’s hospital appointments in various hospitals at the right time. In the early days of his treatment it was often hospital A on Monday, nurses visit on Tuesday, school on Wednesday and hospital B on Thursday.
What’s the most interesting thing about being a trustee?
Seeing how we’re helping other families get through what is often the most terrifying and dark moments of their and their children’s lives.
What would you say to anyone considering becoming a trustee?
It’s doesn’t take up loads of time and is definitely worth being able to help other families.
What’s the one thing you want people to know about Confident Conversations?
We’re here for anyone who’s had a child in hospital – be that a visit to A&E and an overnight stay or if they’re diagnosed with a condition which means they’ll potentially be in hospital for a much longer period.