Confident Conversations is committed to being a values-led organisation. No one should feel excluded deliberately or inadvertently by our work. All our work, including our interactions with each other, stakeholders and those we support, is guided by the following core principles:
- Kindness in our approach to our work and ourselves.
- Differences are our strength. Difference of background, experience and thought is vital to our success.
- Confidence in engaging with, and challenging, our work at all levels. We must be welcoming and supportive to ensure this happens.
In line with the NCVO’s Charity Ethical Principles:
(i) We will respect every individual’s dignity and rights to privacy and confidentiality.
(ii) We commit to challenging any instances of sexism, gender inequality and other power imbalances that leave some people at risk of harm.
(iii) We value diversity in our governing body and volunteers.
We expect all those representing Confident Conversations, and/or volunteering with us, to embody these principles.
We are committed to tackling healthcare inequalities in the UK medical system. Health inequalities are avoidable and unfair differences in health status between groups of people or communities. This inequality in health begins early in life with wide inequalities in child health outcomes.
We are committed to ensuring all our work is accessible as possible, including ensuring our services are designed to be inclusive, and we make all reasonable adjustments needed for beneficiaries and volunteers.
Confident Conversations is run by parents, for parents. We are committed to remaining independent from the NHS and associated bodies (e.g. Royal Colleges). We will always prioritise the needs of those who advocate for patients in hospital.
If you have a concern about safeguarding from anyone who volunteers with Confident Conversations, or a trustee, please contact our Safeguarding Officer Satnam Dhaliwal.
If you want to report bullying, harassment, discrimination (BHD) or unacceptable behaviour from anyone who volunteers with Confident Conversations, or a trustee, please contact our BHD Officer Ali Riley.